Prices & infos
Apart Althaler Serfaus
- infoGeneral booking information
- Prices are in Euro/flat/day.
- Visitor's tax € 2,60/day/person.
- Payment at Apart Althaler or via bank transfer before your arrival
- Check-Out: 09:00 am
- Check-In: 02:00 pm
- That you do not have to pay any costs for cancellations, we recommend you a travel insurance. Our partner insurance: Europäische Reiseversicherung.
- The General Terms and Conditions of the Austrian Hotel Industry apply.
- Subject to errors and alterations.
- sunnyBooking information summer
adults: € 6.-/night,
children (7 - 15 years): € 3.00/night - Final cleaning from € 80.-
- ac_unitBooking information winter
- Final cleaning from € 100.-
- Wellness area